Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Running a C-Program using the Command prompt on Windows

Make sure you have a compiler installed, for my case i used GCC. Usually, if its not installed, when you type the command "gcc -v" on the command line,  you will get an error "gcc is not recognised as an internal or external command".  If you get this error, even after installing the program, then try setting the environment variables as bellow;

  • Open control panel
  • Type "environment"
  • Click to open "Edit the system environment variables for your account"
  • Select PATH,  then Edit
  • In the edit section of variable value, add the path where  your compiler is stored right after the termination (;)
    • The path where your gcc compiler could be located in the directory "C:\MinGW\bin" or according to your customised path.
    • On mine, since i had installed code blocks, its location was C:\Program Files (86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bi
Write your program in any editor for example Notepad, save it with a .c extension. I stored mine on the desktop
  • Open the command Line/Prompt
  • Type "cd desktop" if your program is stored on the desktop Or navigate to the directory where your program is stored
  • Type: gcc <fileName.c > e,g gcc loop.c This will compile your code and produce an executable with a name e.g a.exe because we never specified the name of our executable. 

    • You can name your file by following this structure; gcc -o <name_of_executable> <name_of_source_code
  • Run the program by typing the executable file name on your command line E.g "a" 
Here is the code i used

Bellow are the commands and the output

Friday, January 15, 2016

How much will your handle, an MB? GB? TB? PB......Geopbyte (GB)

During my childhood, I would travel to new places without using any technological equipment to store more routes, and I would make sure that I used my brain to store all the routes, especially by use of landmarks. Then came the technological revolution, as I articulate bellow

At first, when cell phones were introduced, the limited memory capacity would force someone to grasp at least the critical phone numbers, and of course, they had no Wi-Fi. Today, many people can not even store emergency contact numbers as smartphones have all kinds of support needed-apps, including voice recognition, sensors, etc.

The introduction of real-time GPS systems in cars revolutionized the transport system to the extent that, minus these systems, some people might need help tracing their way back to their homes. Cloud computing has provided information storage services that have made access to information omnichannel. Furthermore, we have moved into the establishment of smart cities that will decide on the way we utilize a cities resources for proper management; Internet of Things/Everything where even the smallest equipment can be connected online, robots, machine learning, and nano technologies are also some other aspects you could look at.

Information has become massive that it is now causing an overload not only to computers but also to humans. Today, some data - call it Big data can not be processed using conventional methods; a case in point is the information generated on social media and search platforms; it has called for more innovative ways of delivering information, a concept termed web 3.0/semantic web that uses ontological languages to make sense out the stored information. All this ensures that humans can store, process, query, or even think about handling information-related issues.

What about the security of our information? We are not only scared of information theft, as it might apply to information stored online, but also of information loss that might happen that - is not stored on any device. Do you trust your secondary storage devices- optical drives, tapes,  or your head?

People have been taking various drugs to help improve brain function and reduce the number of sleeping hours to improve their productivity. Some of these drugs have also been seen in many academic institutions where some students have run mad. In contrast, others have committed suicide due to the immense pressure to store and recall information when needed. Some drugs have been medically proven to be used to expand brain power.

Putting all this and more in mind, it makes me think that very soon, human beings will run on memory chips as a supplement, and humans will voluntarily accept the implants to cope with the competition and dynamics of this ever-changing life. This kind of human evolution may be called homo "sapiens smart sapiens" - historians will tell us when the time comes. If this happens, how much capacity will you be able to handle a Megabyte (MB)? Gigabyte (GB)? Tera Byte (TB)? Petabyte (PB)......or a Geopbyte (GB)? 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is an online-based service that enables an individual or a company to access, store, and manage computing resources from anywhere at any time, delivered on demand. Forget about the different time zones or the expensive and complicated networking systems needed to handle your company's increasing amounts of data; cloud computing provides a platform where hardware is vitalized and accessed through user-friendly applications. 

The dynamism of IT is not only related to the technologies used but also the users as they demand divergent services; the providers of cloud services were able to identify this and categorized the services into three: Platform as a service (PaaS) - basically to provide user access to build and deploy applications, e.g., Google AppEngine, Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)- provision of virtual hardware e.g., CPU's, memory, secondary storage, and OS, and Software as a service (SaaS) - which enables a person or company to utilize application software's that suit there needs by performing functions like accounting, document management, customer relationship management, e.t.c. 

The company or individual can access cloud resources publicly through a shared channel, privately where the resources are only accessed by one company, and a hybrid of the two- where some actions are accessed through public channels. Still, more secure resources and information are accessed through a private channel.

With the current increase in data and on-demand services – not forgetting streaming services, cloud computing is a platform that has given rise to other computing advancements, including big data. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Smartcity, Machine to Machine and Internet of things

Machine to machine , smartcity, internet of things(anything can be connected to the network). All these concepts have been developed to empower machine independency. I mean, they are really cool technologies. Imagine a situation where I can remotely monitor what is at my house to an extent that I can control my power and water usage (smart). Its also incredible for  a company manger to seat in his office and is able to monitor delivery trucks, customer preferences and actually fine tune content like advertisements basing on customer behavior and "smart" likes. A traffic system that adopts according to the present traffic, biometric authentication systems, big data analysis and so forth.

Countries are in a rush to set up the first complete smart city with South Korea leading the chase. But what does all this mean to Human beings ? Of course, there are lots of benefits as everyone desires confort or being their own bosses by commanding a system that will never have hard feelings or judge you. On the other hand, it would mean that if someone gained illegal access to any of these system, the damage might be catastrophic and for the most part, I don't know if it's going to creat more jobs, the answer to this is pretty obvious!

Do you think we still have a way out of this confinement of technology and innovations ? I dont think so! But I fancy the technologies no matter the setbacks, though we need to get thinking about how we will co-exist.  

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

China to develop own OS

By October, China might have its own Operating system to compete with the likes of Microsoft, Apple and Google. The operating will first be tested on computers and latter a mobile version will be developed. This also follows the recent ban of the use of Windows 8 on government computers.

I hope Africa will also be looking forward one day to develop its own operating system.
>>China to develop own OS

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Windows XP and Office 2003 user support to end very soon

After 12 years, support for Windows XP will end on April 8, 2014. There will be no more security updates or technical support for the Windows XP operating system. It is very important that customers and partners migrate to a modern operating system such as Windows 8.1. Customers moving to a modern operating system will benefit from dramatically enhanced security, broad device choice for a mobile workforce, higher user productivity, and a lower total cost of ownership through improved management capabilities.

Support for Office 2003 also ends on April 8, 2014.

More Information can be gotten bellow: Microsoft Site

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Showing hidden files on a pen drive using the command prompt

Sometimes we store files on a pen drive but windows fails to display them. What annoys the most is that when you check for the properties of the drive, it will show you that some disk space has been used. So how do you show these hidden files!
1. Insert your pen drive into the USB port of your computer
2. Find the drive letter of your connected pen drive e.g "I"
3. Open the command prompt (Type cmd at the search bar of the start menu and press enter)
4. type the following command: attrib -s -h /s /d *.*
5. Press enter and you are done

type "attrib help" (minus quotes) on the command line for explanation of the attribute command

Thursday, August 15, 2013

From PDF to Videos

Many people would love to learn programming in the simplest ways Possible, but they always need help to learn from PDFs.

Since most of you enjoy watching rather than reading then, programming can become your favorite if you learn by use of Video tutorials; you can find lovely tutorials on the website below, and you don't need to pay a single penny.

The new Boston

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

User Mode Vs Kernel Mode

All programs or processes when running are executed in User mode. Processes do not interact directly with the kernel but they just give instructions in form of system calls and the kernel mode will take care of the rest.

Switching to kernel mode requires one of these to happen, an interrupt, a trap and  I/O or event occurrence.
The kernel mode responds to the request for example handling of device drivers, memory allocation and others which we refer to as privileged instructions, and the process is switched back to user mode where we find less privileged instructions.

"When the computer boots up, Windows calls the KERNEL, the

main kernel-mode program that allows all the other programs
to run, even the user-mode programs".

Monday, October 17, 2011

Operating System Programming

It has always been a challenge to know how the OS was built. The release of the Win 32 bit OS was a basis for the development of win 64 bit OS. The C-language is a basis for many operating systems. You can also program your OS or even learn how Windows was built. for more info visit ""

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

UNIX Operating System

Many people have a lot of questions concerning what UNIX is, most OS's falling in this category were developed using the C-language.

"Since PDP-11 Unix became operational in February, 1971, over 600 installations have been put into service. Most of them are engaged in applications such as computer science education, the preparation and formatting of documents and other textual material, the collection and processing of trouble data from various switching machines within the Bell System, and recording and checking telephone service orders. Our own installation is used mainly for research in operating systems, languages, computer networks, and other topics in computer science, and also for document preparation."

More Information on

And the name UNIX, In 1970 Peter Neumann coined the project name Unics (UNiplexed Information and Computing Service) as a pun on Multics, (Multiplexing Information and Computer Services)[7]. Unics could eventually support multiple simultaneous users, and it was renamed Unix.

More Information on

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mobile networks

Just look at the Motorolla dynatac phone which was released in 1973. It was the first cellular telephone with a battery that wold only last an hour of talktime. I think we are about to back to that generation in terms of size because phones have become big again.