Operating Systems

User mode and kernel mode on Windows

A processor in a computer running Windows has two different modes: user mode and kernel mode. The processor switches between the two modes depending on what type of code is running on the processor. Applications run in user mode, and core operating system components run in kernel mode. Many drivers run in kernel mode, but some drivers run in user mode.

When you start a user-mode application, Windows creates a process for the application. The process provides the application with a private virtual address space and a private handle table. Because an application's virtual address space is private, one application cannot alter data that belongs to another application. Each application runs in isolation, and if an application crashes, the crash is limited to that one application. Other applications and the operating system are not affected by the crash.

More details >> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff554836%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

Lecture Evaluation: (some one said  that if you want to hide something from an African then put it in writing), credit goes to all those who participated in our evaluation exercise.

Every work done deserves to be evaluated, the power and effectiveness of the person delivering a service is based on how satisfied the beneficiaries are. Many times we fail to accept our criticisms leading to failure in strengthening our strong areas and improving our weak areas. 

This year 2012, I have managed to meet and teach very nice students of second year offering one of the three courses delivered under the institute of computer science of Mbarara University of Science and technology. These courses include Bachelor of Information Technology, Computer Science and Engineering. As an educator, it is always great to receive feedback from the students. On the 20th November 2012 during my last meeting with these bright students of second year, I requested them to evaluate how the course has been delivered. This included both positive and negative views and their observations. The aim of this evaluation was to help me in evaluating myself and also allow students to express themselves freely and open helping in clearing the gap between the Lecturer and students.

The process I used was very simple, I requested students to get any plain paper and write the merits, demerits and any other comment that they deemed relevant for evaluation.

Below are some of the students’ positive comments to their lecturer,
Some appreciated the good introduction delivered in the first lectures which helped them enjoy the course, others admitted that at the beginning they never liked neither the lecturer nor the course because all were complicated but due to the clear explanations and examples, parental advise, encouragement, professionalism displayed and help from tutorial assistants, they were able to improve and change their attitude. “He is my mentor, values respect, open and I would like to be like him” are some of the comments passed on through the evaluation.

Updated, informed, friendly, audible, time management and approachable are other comments given about the lecturer.

Someone stated that, “this guy is caring because he teaches us in class, shares and lets us comment freely on his blog posts, involves us in decision making and he quickly responds to our consultations  from Facebook”.

“Since there is no smoke without fire” as one of the students put it, this drives me to the negative aspects given:
“The guy is complicated and hard to understand, too strict though he has a lot of jokes in class but to him business is nothing less, gives very wide notes like a street, tricky tests that need a lot of thinking, he never comes to social places to chart with us and he talks a lot”   

Most comments were concluded with lots of GOD’s blessings and good luck including comments like: “May you live to burst if any process calls in 2040”

However much we look at you/our students as consumers of knowledge, we have a lot of to share with them other than class work, tests and exams, the only way we can do this is through counseling, advise, friendship and providing you/them with any type of support to help them pursue their intended and targeted careers .

The field of ICT requires practitioners to be able to use various kinds of media especially in an academic setting, many lecture delivery methods exist but I chose to in the following ways: 1) lecture slides with clear explanations, 2) Social groups like Facebook and Google plus, 3) MUST Learning management system and 4) Blog. Among all the above tools, the mostly used tool was the blog (http://kimrichies.blogspot.com), almost 70% of my students credited the relativity of this tool in knowledge addition and free sharing.

What is an OS
Every electronic device is composed of both hardware (tangible) and software(non tangible) which cooperate together to enable the beneficially communicate with them and archive the desired results.

The operating system is the main driver in managing various interactions and resource allocation

Knowing the comparisons between UNIX and Windows is key to selection of an Operating System. A few of these comparisons in terms of functionality can be evidenced here >>>

Various types of Operating systems exist, more information can be accessed here>>


  1. how do threads work, i want to know more about threads?

    1. First of all a process is a running program and a thread is created by the process. Actually a thread is a light weight process that shares on the resources of the creating process.

      A process can create multiple threads to execute various instructions concurrently.

      More info: http://www.cafeaulait.org/course/week11/02.html

  2. What do you think about celebrating our independence with a TEST?

    1. Not cool sir,A Golden Independence with a TEST ummmh. That means if u fail your day is already ruined lets try it on Saturday 14th or Tuesday 17th.u know this kind of interdependence will have to wait for another 50 years of which most of us will be dead by then.

  3. Man, that's really unfair. we celebrating it with a test and you celebrating marking? or ?. let's all be independent on that day.

  4. With all due respect sir, i think the test should wait because it will spoil the celebration morale for some of us, not to mention the fact that it might not be very well done because most of us are already in the Independence mood.

  5. well, sir its really unfair coz we want to celebrate with our great-grand fathers and u are giving us a test, anyway are we reading all the lecture notes from 1 to 4.

  6. sir,what is the difference btn types of os and categories of os are they the same am confused coz there is somewhere i met them. THANXS SIR.


    1. It was just training for staff that ended last week but we might do some training in the same technologies at MUST. just watch this space

  8. The test will be done on Saturday 14th october.

  9. correction sir 14th is a Sunday......i wish u would specify the time for test ....... thanks

    1. Thanks for that nice observation. Saturday is 13th

  10. Okema is ever on pressure, any way Mr.Richard at what time are we gonna do that paper?,coz it seems there are two papers . hope they won't collide

  11. The test is on tomorrow in the Education main Hall at any time!!!!!

    1. Mr,kimrichie. may you piz inform us about the exact time when the test will be done? thanx

  12. Early system like Batch systems differ from distributed systems in a sense that the earlier used to group similar tasks together and the latter uses a networked environment.

    It is always important to know the relevancy of the OS in the ICT sector. This knowledge is highly important to programmers, system analysts, network administrators, technicians, e.t.c in their everyday tasks.

    In brief, The OS is usually installed on a partitioned and formatted hard drive so as to avoid a mix up of user, OS and application programs. The OS is interrupt driven in nature
    The passive entity (programs) is opened by the user to perform some actions (Process) and this will result in the 5states of a process. Since multiprogramming and multiprocessing are evidenced, protecting the programs from each other is done by the OS e.g by use of the user mode. For this to be possible, memory and the CPU are assigned to enable process execution. When an interrupt occurs to a running program, swapping in and out of a program is done and details of the swapped out program are stored in the PCB. If input and output is to be performed, device controllers are needed to regulate access and so does memory controllers

  13. again saturday is Fresher's Ball i think we shouldn't welcome them with atest

  14. MR.kimera are u meaning that the operating system cannot be installed on the same hard drive with the application programms and if so why?

    1. The OS can be installed on the same partition with the Application programs. There are certain applications and user files that you wouldn't want to lose if yr OS crashes. To avoid this you should always separate yr OS from other key files.

  15. mmmh!..when i saw the marking of the course works we received today,i was shocked almost to faint.it will be a horrible moment i will remember in my education career always. IT WAS N'T FAIR!!!!!

    1. The world will never be fair unless if you prove it wrong. Try to be outstanding.

    2. I really feel your pain but prove me that you are worth whatever you claim. show the world your potential. It you say something isn't fair, come and show how it isn't and show me your point of view otherwise i will never know

  16. mr. kimera what time is the paper today?

  17. Hay sir, how did you manage to get an A in this coarse? but the good thing is you have taught us very well.so let us see your good paper in the final exam.thanks

    1. First, understand the applicability of what you have been taught for example as you look at processes, try to match what ever you are reading to a real process on your computer.
      Paper, identify questions that you think can set in section A and Section B.
      Discuss with your colleagues and don't forget the strongest power of all GOD

  18. The second course work is ready. It is aimed at making you understand CPU scheduling, paging, memory management and disk management.

    You can download it from the LMS and some of the reference books you can use but not limited to, are:
    1. Abraham Silberschatz and Peter Baer Galvin. (1998) Operating System Concepts, Addison-Wesley, (5th ed.)

    2. Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Albert S. Woodhull. (1997) Operating Systems: Design and Implementation, Prentice Hall, (2nd ed.)

  19. good morning MR.kimera first of all i appreciate the great work you are doing but ma problem today is to distinguish the two modes of I/O modes during transmission because still they confuse me. Again i have seen the course work but is it individual or a group and if so when are we handing in.In hard copy or soft copy THANX.

  20. hey u mr. richie.. anysport work..the slides are hectic.

    1. I spotted for you and u never passed, now what gives me the confidence that when i spot again u will pass? it is time to spot for yourselves guys

  21. Hullo mr.kim.can i please get yo' facebook user name..thanks.happy nu yr 2013.

  22. hullo mr kimera am justus bit 2 we wish to get some reading tips. may good lord keep you brilliant.

    1. Great question, form a group of those who are interested,assign different discussion topics in a chapter to each member at the start of the week and discuss the whole chapter at the end of the week. "Read outside the notes and don't forget to come up with a fixed Timetable".

  23. hello, pliz,help us wiz
    yo enrollment key of operating system

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