
Java 8 introduces a lot of exciting new features for developers including Lambda Expressions. One of the key features that might actually define the future of Java is the new framework called JavaFX introduced as the new client UI library for Java. This framework will for the most part replace the Swing Class. Some of the features of JavaFX include;

  1. New and improved tools than the standard usual buttons, features like bar/pie charts, date pickers, accordion panes, tabbed panes, e,t.c Check out a nice summary of JavaFx controls here. This includes new media player and web rendering controls.
  2. A new ‘language’ called FXML, which like HTML is used only to define the interface of an application, keeping it completely separate from the code logic.
  3. An outstanding application called ‘Scene Builder’ which can be integrated into NetBeans and Eclipse to allow you to create and generate FXML documents using a drag-and-drop design interface (think Dreamweaver for HTML)
  4. A new powerful way to control the design of your application with CSS-like syntax and precision. If you know any CSS you will easily be able to make the transition to styling JavaFx applications.
  5. An integrated library for graphics (both 2D and 3D) as well as animation tools that rival Flash, JQuery and CSS animations
  6. Mobile platform development tools (which admittedly, I know very little about at the time of writing this post but like everything else on this site, as I learn I share). There is an open-source project called JavaFx ports that helps bridge the path to mobile application development with JavaFx
  7. Speaking of open-source, that is EXACTLY what JavaFx is. This is cool for 2 reasons:It’s survival chances are greatly improved with a worldwide army of JavaFx fans contributing to the development and well-being of the technology

Others are quickly developing additional tools, plugins and UI controls that go beyond the offerings at Oracle. Check this out from ControlsFX.

Check out a tutorial by following http://code.makery.ch/library/javafx-8-tutorial/part1/

Their are a lot of security concerns when you are to talk about Java Applets, its actually worse when you are using the latest versions of Java especially 7 and 8. When you run your application, sometimes you will notice that it is being blocked, sometimes it is a matter of allowing the application to run but other times you might need to do more than that. You can try "one" of the options bellow if your applet fails run. (You also have to know that you might risk external attacks)
  1. Update to the latest plugin 
  2. If you are using Eclipse, drug and drop the HTML file directly into your browser
  3. If you are running applets, make sure your plugin(Java Deployment Toolkit) Go to your Firefox tab at the top right conner of your browser, select plugins, Java Deployment Kit and select "Ask To activate" 
  4. Go  to start/all programs/ Java/configure Java/security tab/set "security level" to "Medium" and then apply
  5. Allow applets to be executed in your antivirus settings.
  6. You can also set your browser to run an earlier version of Java by opening the Registry - HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/JavaSoft/DeployementProperties/DeploymentVersion/Enter a lower value in the "Value Data" field/ OK


  1. members how can one start advanced network programming with oop -java

    1. Its all about reading my friend, they are few tutorial bellow that you can start with. Hope that helps

  2. i am really grean about his pernow.. but i hope to cope up soon..
