
You can create your database and tables directly through a script like PHP as bellow

// set your infomation.

// connect to the mysql database server.
$link_id = mysql_connect ($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbuserpass);
echo "success in database connection.";

// create the database.
if (!mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE $dbname")) die(mysql_error());
echo "success in database creation.";


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As we embrace programming of databases, we should always first remind our selves on the logical design of the database that is, structuring the database basing on the requirements stipulated by the client.Normalization is done at this stage. Many database developers usually implement the physical database before sketching the structure. You can logically design the database by use of UML (Unified modelling language) especially Object Oriented systems or diagrammatically produce ERD(Entity Relationship Diagrams) or EER (Enhanced Entity Relationship diagrams).

Bellow is a question that requires both a logical and physical implementation 
Dr. Richard, runs an immunization clinic, it has Doctors and Nurses and treats patients from Monday to Friday. Using an EER diagram, design a Logical Database which records, the Patients Personal Details (Names, Sex, Age), Immunization Given (Name, Amount, Date, Time, Person Who Gave the Immunization), Appointment Details (Date, Time, Location), New Appointment details and provide an ability to record whether the Patient, has arrived, been seen, departed or did not come



  1. i would like to understand more about database programming especially on how to create and develop databases

    1. No need to worry, you are currently studying database management and programming will be in third year but feel free to come up with an idea of a database you want to implement and we will help you design it.

  2. am currently working on a database for my first time & AM FAILING TO retrieve data from my tables to a web page need your help sir

  3. hey reson come for the code, then u gonna get the explanation from richard

  4. This is to request you to please give us some tips on the test we are about to do. They could really come in handy. Thanks.

  5. yello Richard

    i have a system work well in mysql and php i need to include in sensors and cctv cameras i have failed to use php to include these equipments in my system. do i need to use another language to include the above if yes can that language be linked to my codes somewhere


  6. surf for ideas ull find how @christine

  7. Thx Mr Kimera this is Namanya Andrew your former student would like to get to learn Oracle what sites would help me understand it best. thanks sir

    1. Hey Andrew, the best source is the Oracle website ( but you can also check out the link bellow:
