Thursday, October 8, 2015

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is an online-based service that enables an individual or a company to access, store, and manage computing resources from anywhere at any time, delivered on demand. Forget about the different time zones or the expensive and complicated networking systems needed to handle your company's increasing amounts of data; cloud computing provides a platform where hardware is vitalized and accessed through user-friendly applications. 

The dynamism of IT is not only related to the technologies used but also the users as they demand divergent services; the providers of cloud services were able to identify this and categorized the services into three: Platform as a service (PaaS) - basically to provide user access to build and deploy applications, e.g., Google AppEngine, Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)- provision of virtual hardware e.g., CPU's, memory, secondary storage, and OS, and Software as a service (SaaS) - which enables a person or company to utilize application software's that suit there needs by performing functions like accounting, document management, customer relationship management, e.t.c. 

The company or individual can access cloud resources publicly through a shared channel, privately where the resources are only accessed by one company, and a hybrid of the two- where some actions are accessed through public channels. Still, more secure resources and information are accessed through a private channel.

With the current increase in data and on-demand services – not forgetting streaming services, cloud computing is a platform that has given rise to other computing advancements, including big data. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Smartcity, Machine to Machine and Internet of things

Machine to machine , smartcity, internet of things(anything can be connected to the network). All these concepts have been developed to empower machine independency. I mean, they are really cool technologies. Imagine a situation where I can remotely monitor what is at my house to an extent that I can control my power and water usage (smart). Its also incredible for  a company manger to seat in his office and is able to monitor delivery trucks, customer preferences and actually fine tune content like advertisements basing on customer behavior and "smart" likes. A traffic system that adopts according to the present traffic, biometric authentication systems, big data analysis and so forth.

Countries are in a rush to set up the first complete smart city with South Korea leading the chase. But what does all this mean to Human beings ? Of course, there are lots of benefits as everyone desires confort or being their own bosses by commanding a system that will never have hard feelings or judge you. On the other hand, it would mean that if someone gained illegal access to any of these system, the damage might be catastrophic and for the most part, I don't know if it's going to creat more jobs, the answer to this is pretty obvious!

Do you think we still have a way out of this confinement of technology and innovations ? I dont think so! But I fancy the technologies no matter the setbacks, though we need to get thinking about how we will co-exist.